Sean Hayes of Northwest Fencing Academy
One of the most difficult blows to throw with speed and power is the middle blow (mezzani or mittlehau, commonly used in the action of the zwerchau). Sean will teach you to use the rotational centers of sword and body to strike with maximum speed, power, and cover. Any single-handed or two-handed sword, or stick, will work just fine: the goal is to master the feel of the action and transfer it to any weapon, and to the other blows of the sword (or other weapon).
Sean Hayes is a fencing master trained in classical Italian fencing pedagogy under Dr. William M. Gaugler at the San Jose State University Fencing Masters Program, graduating in 1999. Hayes is a full-time teacher and practitioner of Medieval and Renaissance Italian Martial Arts, teaching six centuries of Italian martial arts privately through his own school, Northwest Fencing Academy, in Eugene, Oregon.